Sabtu, 22 April 2017

How Do I Discover Myself

Image result for gender queer
Queer-gendered? Really?
Howdy, how ya'all doing? Good?
I hope so.

Cause I am surviving the hardest period of my puberty, being 17. First of all, you need to know why I have to write this in English. I write this post completely in English, deffo bcs I don't want my relatives especially families read this post and then they go ask me "Why?" and "Why?" You know it's an advantage to be able to write in English, since when you are talking about private things, you won't be annoyed by somebody you know. Which won't solve it, but will be adding more. And more.

So this story began on March 29th. (Sorry Mr. Grammar, I had to break your policy. You can arrest me after I finished all these sentences)  Back to topic, being 17 is freaking hard. I wanna say f**cking, but I don't want this post to be harmful to kids. You have to be 'mature', in a positively good way and manner. You have to be stereotypically accepted in society. Guess what? I am a crybaby, bit spoiled, and I dunno how to make up relationships. People called me lame as I being single which I don't think a problem. Sometimes I am being so insecure in front of public because people recall my walk peculiar. So whatever. I walk the way I walk. I am not a model who should do catwalk in the runway, right?

Sabtu, 18 Maret 2017

Seleksi Tahap Final UWC

Image result for uwc
Kisah ini dimulai dari tercengangnya saya saat mendapatkan email dari NC (National Committee) UWC yang menyatakan bahwa saya telah lolos tahapan seleksi awal dan berhak mengikuti seleksi tahap final di Hotel Oria, Jakarta, 4-5 Maret 2017. Serangkaian hari yang sibuk dimulai sejak akhir Februari, sayangnya malah saya pergunakan untuk lomba debat dan bukannya memfokuskan diri pada tahapan seleksi ini.

Oiya, sudah sampai sini, kalian tau engga sih UWC itu apaan? Pasti tahu kan? Kalau belum tahu jadi aku jelasin, UWC itu BUKAN PROGRAM PERTUKARAN PELAJAR *santai aja mas hehe... Jadi UWC itu seperti sejenis sekolah di luar negeri di mana kita dari berbagai belahan dunia dikumpulkan untuk belajar bersama membangun masa depan yang berkelanjutan. Yang membuat UWC berbeda adalah program sosial, personal challenge, dan aktivitas akademik lainnya. Kalau masih kepo tentang UWC, bisa mampir ke Wikipedia ya hehe... atau ke sini juga boleh

Back to the topic, tentang seleksi tahap final UWC. Maaf banget kalau tidak ada foto/video berkaitan proses seleksi, karena saya takut akan menyalahi aturan yang sudah diberikan kakak-kakak National Committee.